Dry eye program

  1. “Real thing” Omega 3 (1000 mg) (At Least 3000 mg a day)
  2. Flax seed oil (2 capsules a day)
  3. Relestart (If Allergy) (2 x daily both eyes)
  4. 2 Litres water a day
  5. Lubrication drop/or gel (discuss with Ocularist)


  1. 2 x daily hot compressions and massage lid with fingers
  2. 2 x daily clean lids with blephadosis
  3. Remove eye in the evening. Clean thoroughly with LDc orBostonlens cleaner. Store dry in holder.
  4. Make sure that a good lubricant is used such as Artificial Eye Lubricant which is formulated for the acrylic prosthesis. Many patients are finding relief using virgin cold-pressed coconut oil.
  5. Scleral shell wearers must not use oils unless told otherwise. Use Allergan celluvisc, Xailin fresh or Duratears, Xailin gel/night.
  6. Re-visit Ocularist after 3 weeks.

Causes of Dry Eye

  1. Excessive caffeine - diuretic effect
  2. Lack of sleep
  3. Excessive alcohol
  4. Medications: diuretics, anticholinergics, antihistamines, antispasmotics, antiparkinson
  5. Environmental factors: humidity, dust, wind
  6. Use of computers: extensive visual tasking - poor blinking
  7. Hormonal changes
  8. Nutrient deficiency - omega 3 and 6
  9. Medical conditions - diabetes, rheumayoid arthritis, lupus, thyroid disorders, radiation therapy, sjorgen's syndrome, enucleation, evisceration, lagophthalmos, trama, lacrimal, and meidomian gland dysfunction
  10. Inflammatory conditions
  11. Dermatologic conditions
  12. Poor tear breakup (optomotrist or ophthalmologist can help with that)

Treatment of Dry Eye

  1. OTC lubricants and artificial tears
  2. Artificial tears made from autologus serum
  3. Punctual plugs
  4. Nutritional therapy - omega 3 and 6
  5. Quit smoking
  6. Moisture chamber
  7. Concious blinking
  8. Antibiotics
  9. Self-lubricating prosthesis - Kelley Associates
  10. Plasma treatment of PMMA
  11. Lid scrubs
  12. Warm compress, lid massage and expression
  13. Lipiflow - tear science
  14. Pulsed light therapy